Low Testosterone Levels may cause Heart Disease

05 Feb Low Testosterone Levels may cause Heart Disease

By Dr. Michael Yarish, ND
The Lakeside Clinic Center for Integrated Medicine

As February is Heart Health month, this article will discuss new evidence linking hormone deficiency with cardiovascular disease and will touch on specific applications of IV nutrient therapies for cardiovascular disease.

There is increasing evidence of a direct association between low testosterone levels and increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in both men and women.   A study from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism states that 25% of men older than age 30 have a 40% increased risk of death due to low levels of testosterone.   Low testosterone levels in post-menopausal women are also associated with heart disease and hypertension.

Testosterone up-regulates nitric oxide which relaxes and dilates blood vessels.  Nitric oxide also functions to prevent heart disease and strokes in several ways.  It prevents atherosclerotic plaque from sticking to the walls of arteries.  Nitric oxide reduces the production of free radicals, which cause vessel wall damage and prevents the vessel walls from thickening.

Natural testosterone replacement therapy may be associated with clinical improvement of symptoms of cardiovascular disease.   Recent studies reported that testosterone concentrations were inversely associated with vessel wall thickness, artery plaque formation and pro-inflammatory markers.  Natural testosterone replacement therapy may also be beneficial in men with chronic heart failure and in men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Concurrent use of IV nutrients is also extremely effective in treating cardiovascular disease when levels of glutathione, nitric oxide, magnesium, arginine, proline and taurine levels are low or have been down-regulated by heavy metal tissue load.

Oxidative stress in the vascular system occurs when levels of glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) and nitric oxide are reduced leading to hypertension, angina, erectile dysfunction and other disorders.
Studies have shown that magnesium sulphate was as effective as antihypertensives at lowering blood pressure in emergency department patients.  Taurine is an amino acid that plays a major role in treating hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure and increases cholesterol excretion.  Proline helps maintain and strengthen the heart muscle.

IV infusion of glutathione, magnesium sulfate, arginine (a nitric oxide precursor), proline, taurine and B vitamins 1 to 3 times per week will lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, will treat arrhythmias and angina, will strengthen the heart and will treat erectile dysfunction.

The Lakeside Clinic offers bio-identical testosterone therapy as well as infusion therapy for cardiovascular disease sufferers.  Free testosterone, cardiovascular blood markers and heavy metal tissue load will be examined as part of your initial intake.  We are always accepting new patients.

Araujo AB et al. Prevalence and incidence of androgen deficiency in middle-aged and older men:  estimates from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study,  J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 2004; 89:5920-6.

Bayir A et al.  Magnesium sulfate in emergency department patients with hypertension.  Biol Trace Elem Res.  2009; 128(1):38-44.